

LP Hoying, LLC performs training on Basic Corrosion, Basic Electricity, and/or Solar Power Supplies, either on site at your facility, on location or in a classroom. Training sessions can be customized to your needs, or general topics are covered. Contact us for more details or to schedule a training session.

Outline of Typical Training Session:

  • Corrosion
    • What is it
    • Conditions
      • Anode, Cathode
      • Current flow
    • Metal removal
    • Measuring
  • Galvanic Series
    • Half cell and reading methods
    • Dissimilar soils
    • Aeration
    • New pipe old pie
  • Polarization
    • Interference
  • Ohms Law
    • Alternating Current & Direct Current
    • EMS, Current, Resistance
    • Circuit tracing
    • Series circuits
    • Parallel circuits
  • Corosion Reduction methods
    • Coatings
    • Insulating joints
  • Cathodic Protection, how it works
    • Types & Operation
    • Simple trouble shooting
  • Solor Power Supplies

    • Solar panels
    • Batteries
    • Operation
      • Simple maintenance
      • Solar panels
      • Batteries
  • Hands on operation and troubleshooting of rectifiers and solar power

LP Hoying, LLC | PO Box 275, Russia, OH 45363-0275 | Phone 937-776-9773 | Email dhoying@lphoying.com


© 2016 by LP Hoying, LLC